Technical Support

We’re always happy to help

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Visit the Training Post help centre for guides, integration information, and release notes.

Documentation for training providers can be found here:

And organisations can access their API documentation here:

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Log into our support portal to raise a support ticket. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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0114 319 0777  Phone (UK)

Telephone support is available weekdays from 9 am - 5 pm GMT

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  • Custom domains are supported on the "Plus" plan and above. The domain can’t be used for anything else as we need to be free to create sub-domains on demand for new client portals. We can register a domain for you (for the least hassle), or you can buy your own which will require you to work with our technical team to configure some DNS settings.

  • This is not really something covered in Training Post. If an organisation has access to a course, and the organisation has a manager in their portal then they are in control of course assignment numbers.

    The options would be:

    a) keep control as a provider and only give the client reporting level users.

    b) bill retrospectively if they use the course.

  • Yes - you can import a CSV of users. This also supports any custom fields you have created.

  • No, there are no limits to the number of assignments in a portal.

  • You can define custom user fields - and make them user editable.

    It's not mandatory to fill the fields at this time, but we have encouraged people to fill it by not having a cancel or close button, only a “save” button.

    Every time the user logs in they are asked to fill in the form until all the fields are complete.